Meet 'luv4her,' an indie duo hailing from the vibrant music hub of Melbourne. Envision a canvas painted with tranquil vibes, soothing melodies, and a touch of bedroom pop allure. Our music encapsulates the essence of late-night recording sessions, weaving intricate tales of love and longing. As the world slips into the embrace of dreams, we remain steadfast, channeling our emotions into melodies that resonate with the rollercoaster of love. Each song is a chapter of our intimate journey, baring our souls and experiences for all to hear. Join us as we navigate the labyrinth of love, one heartfelt tune at a time.

Links: Spotify | Instagram | SoundCloud


Hey, How are you today?

Good man

Can you tell our readers a little bit about Luv4Her? / who does what in the band?

Luv4her is a collaboration between two dudes who want to express their love and emotions through their music. The band consists of Joshua Mzila and Brodie McKinnon and we are lead vocalists for Luv4her.

Where did the name come from?

The name was originally brought up by Brodie and it really resonated with us because our dynamic has always been centered around the theme of love and how we try to express that through the lyrics that we write.

Your music has this real lofi indie bedroom feel to it, and it feels so familiar! What can we expect from Luv4her in 2024?

You should expect a lot more dreamy love songs because we create our music based on what we are inspired by at the time.

Who are your influences for writing and producing music? 

We are very inspired by artists such as eyedress, men I trust and clairo. These artists have paved the way for Luv4her and we hope to be able to collaborate with them in the future.

Do you want to tell us a little bit about the inspiration for the Lyrics?

The lyrics are really just inspired by current events that occur in both our lives whether that be love or heartbreak.

What is your music community in Melbourne like? and are there any other creatives we should be across?

We aren't too aware of the music community in Melbourne. But we do appreciate Melbourne talent such as Blusher, luv4her and Joshua Mzila 

With your songs like Stressing Over You, My Luv <3, and your latest 'inside my dreams' what influenced those sounds, production?

We choose our beat based on the vibe of the music we are inspired to make at the moment and we have been blessed to work with a number of incredible producers that really know how to make beats feel authentic to emotions.

Where can we catch you in 2023?

You can’t, the past is behind us

Any last words?

nuh uh


Office Tracks of the Week


Office Tracks of the Week